Welcome friends!
Looks like the race for the presidency is really heating up, right? Who could have predicted the head of the FBI would try to play king maker and jump in at the last minute with a breathless albeit vague declaration that a few weeks back his agency found some emails that seem to have some connection with Hilary Clinton? Will it turn out to be “bigger than Watergate” as Trumpo triumphantly proclaimed? Or will it be nothing at all? Hey, your guess is as good as mine. The funny thing is it doesn’t matter; we’ll only know after the election. The real news here is not the emails but the news or pseudo-news about the emails. Anyway, now that FBI has entered the fray it seems we have a real horse race on our hands. Will we get a corrupt lying incompetent buffoon or a Nasty Bitch? Sorry, I meant Nasty Woman just then. Speaking in the vernacular. They both have pros and cons. The buffoon might be entertaining but potentially horribly destructive and embarrassing. The Nasty Woman might know what she’s doing but she’s so uppity and cold. I can feel myself shriveling up as I write. Tough call. I remember watching the Three Stooges as a child so I do appreciate buffoonery. I can picture the scene. President Trumpo the Clown shows up at a fancy schmancy diplomatic event at the White House with a bunch of foreign eggheads and politically correct milquetoasts. Some elegant older lady, let’s say a 2 or 3, asks him if they will serve canapés. Trumpo declares confidently, “Why soitanly!” and slips into the kitchen to heat up a can of peas. He emerges with a bowl of warm peas only to slip on a banana peel and fall into a dignified foreign duchess small hands grasping at her crotch. Outraged she picks up a cream pie from the sideboard and throws it at him but he ducks and it hits a smirking Mike Pence who proclaims loudly, “That never happened!” I’m telling you every day will be hilarious! We’ll never know what manner of lunacy might happen next. Will the government default on its debt? Will we have another Great Depression? Will we lose our jobs, our savings, our houses? Will we have health insurance? Will we have nuclear war? Will we dissolve Congress and do away with democracy? Will we have race war? Will we have a war of religion? Will we construct a Great Wall around the continental USA? Seriously, I think we might die laughing during the next few years. Hey, there are worse ways to go. And what if it’s the Nasty Bitch? Well, I guess we’ll survive well enough so that’s the good side but just imagine the damage to the egos of all those dimwitted older rural white men out there. Oh won’t someone think of the childish? The emails, the emails! Well, let’s wait a week and see how it all plays out before getting too worked up shall we? With a little luck everything might still turn out OK. No, what I wanted to talk about this week was not the impending election but something that strikes me as every bit as ominous in its own way: the recent acquittal of a band of armed domestic terrorists by a sympathetic or perhaps just craven jury right here in the good old USA. Did you ever wonder how those swarthy foreign countries end up with roving bands of armed lunatics they seem entirely incapable of doing anything about? Well, wonder no more. It’s basically the same reason we apparently intend to allow bands of armed lunatics to operate freely here in the USA. The people demand it. So nice when mysteries like that are solved isn’t it?
Yes, the story I’m discussing this week involves that armed “militia” that took over a federal building in rural Oregon a while back... Sorry but only selected archived (previous year) posts are currently available full text on this website. All posts including this one are available in my annual anthology ebook series available at the Amazon Kindle Bookstore for a nominal fee. Hey, we all need to make a buck somehow, right? If you find my timeless jewels of wisdom amusing or perhaps even amusingly irritating throw me a bone now and then. Thank you my friends!