Welcome friends!
I was reading an article the other day by some conservative or other who was lamenting the ostensible moral collapse of American society. Sorry, I didn’t think to keep the reference. Maybe it was in the Atlantic magazine a few months ago? As far as I can tell these conservative everything is going to hell narratives are a dime a dozen so I’m sure you can find something similar without too much difficulty. Anyway, I found myself getting a little irritated, which is generally what happens whenever I read anything by a conservative, so I tried to sit down and analyze what was going on. I decided there were really two issues that were bothering me: hypocrisy and ignorance.
Let’s take hypocrisy first... Sorry but only selected archived (previous year) posts are currently available full text on this website. All posts including this one are available in my annual anthology ebook series available at the Amazon Kindle Bookstore for a nominal fee. Hey, we all need to make a buck somehow, right? If you find my timeless jewels of wisdom amusing or perhaps even amusingly irritating throw me a bone now and then. Thank you my friends!