Friday, April 14, 2017

Size Matters for Conservative Proto-Fascists

Welcome friends!

Do you ever have the annoying feeling of not being entirely sure you’ve said something you meant to say and indeed thought you probably said?  I’ve been having that feeling recently.  Certain things set me off and I’m thinking no need to bring it up again because I’ve discussed it all before but then I hesitate.  I hope I didn’t accidentally write it the wrong way around or bury it in the middle of some long winded digression or whatever.  I could look it up but I suppose there’s no great harm repeating myself.  With that thought in mind let me just banish one of these demons right now.  It involves one aspect of the multifaceted relationship between contemporary American conservatism and fascism: the tendency of American conservatives to equate what they characterize as big government with fascism.  Just grates on my ears on so many levels.

First of all I find something a little weird about this whole notion of big versus small government.  What are we talking about anyway?  The number of government employees?  The number of laws and regulations?  The complexity of the laws and regulations?  The areas of life affected?  The significance of the effects?  Because different definitions may imply different things... Sorry but only selected archived (previous year) posts are currently available full text on this website.  All posts including this one are available in my annual anthology ebook series available at the Amazon Kindle Bookstore for a nominal fee.  Hey, we all need to make a buck somehow, right?  If you find my timeless jewels of wisdom amusing or perhaps even amusingly irritating throw me a bone now and then.  Thank you my friends!