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I’ve been a little preoccupied with economic conservatism the last couple of times out so I suppose it’s high time I took a swipe at the other head of the two headed beast before it takes a bite out of our collective backside. Now did you read about the social conservative politicians in the US state of Arizona who passed a bill recently that would have allowed restaurant owners to refuse to serve customers they didn’t like based on the owners’ religious prejudices? Yes, that would be gay people, in case you were wondering. Well, actually I suppose they might eventually have extended the same consideration to their other religious prejudices as well so I don’t really know who else we might be talking about. Jews or Muslims perhaps? Or wait, I guess it wouldn’t make sense to require the motivating hatred to emanate from the Christian religion in particular so I suppose we might eventually have been talking about other people, such as Jews and Muslims, refusing to serve people they don’t like based on their own religious sentiments, such as certain Christians, not to mention each other. Actually I guess it wouldn’t even necessarily have been just Christians, Jews, and Muslims ... oh never mind, I’m starting to get one of my headaches again. Fortunately it’s a moot point because the governor of Arizona managed to rise to the occasion and veto the bill, much to the consternation of social conservatives like media personality / windbag Rush Limbaugh, who did his bit for irony by declaring his concern that the governor may have been bullied into vetoing the bill. Because you know conservatives are always very concerned about bullying, right? Oh yes, and the Arizona Catholic Conference managed to get in the papers by complaining about the outrageous affront to their religious liberties, which they apparently felt hinged crucially on their ability to refuse to do business with the less holy... Sorry but only selected archived (previous year) posts are currently available full text on this website. All posts including this one are available in my annual anthology ebook series available at the Amazon Kindle Bookstore for a nominal fee. Hey, we all need to make a buck somehow, right? If you find my timeless jewels of wisdom amusing or perhaps even amusingly irritating throw me a bone now and then. Thank you my friends!