Welcome friends!
I suspect I might have only a few weeks left to discuss one of the most illuminating political movements in recent years: the attempt by elements within the conservative Republican Party to install lying egoist billionaire playboy Donald Trump as president of the USA. Looks like it’s not going to pan out of course and I never really thought it would but that’s not the interesting bit. The interesting bit is they’ve gotten nearly half the country to go along with their little scheme. It’s really quite remarkable and something that as a younger man I would have confidently predicted could never happen. In my youth conservatives were always banging on about their values as though they and only they had them. Makes me laugh now. I guess we didn’t realize the values they were talking about were things like pussy grabbing, telling outrageous lies, insulting people, and making a quick buck. Well, making a quick buck maybe. I suppose we all suspected that was one of the primary values they had in mind. But I guess we didn’t know it was the be-all and end-all. Apparently the conservative position is if one makes a buck one can do and say whatever one likes. Yes, the rich are very special people. One doesn’t want them to shrug and let the whole world slip from off their shoulders. That would be like some kind of Greek tragedy. By the way, I suppose I should clarify that when I mention conservatives in this post I’m talking about the mainstream conservatives of today. Trumpkins. People who live mostly in the sparsely populated central regions of the nation. I know there are still a certain number of more reputable and high minded people who rather confusedly also want to call themselves conservatives and have been doing whatever they can to shut Mr. Trump down. Those are the people I consider the honorable opposition. We may disagree on many or I suppose just about all values and facts but at least we agree on a few things such as talking and acting like reasonable adults, speaking honestly and plainly, trying sincerely to straighten things out. I miss the days when such people were in charge of the conservative movement in this country. It was a lot more fun to engage the “enemy” on the field of ideas like gentlepeople than to engage them on the streets of Crazy Town as we do today. Didn’t think much of it at the time but I guess everything is relative.
Speaking of things that are now apparently acceptable but never were formerly how about Trumpo the Clown’s contention that the election has been rigged? Well, I guess that only applies if he loses. He’s said if he wins the election he considers that evidence it was above board but if he loses that shows it must have been rigged. Funny sort of proposition isn’t it? Something not quite scientific going on there... Sorry but only selected archived (previous year) posts are currently available full text on this website. All posts including this one are available in my annual anthology ebook series available at the Amazon Kindle Bookstore for a nominal fee. Hey, we all need to make a buck somehow, right? If you find my timeless jewels of wisdom amusing or perhaps even amusingly irritating throw me a bone now and then. Thank you my friends!